Dear AEK-Members, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
on behalf of the program committee it is my great pleasure to announce the 17th AEK International Cancer Congress to be held in Heidelberg March 20 - 22, 2013.
The AEK International Cancer Congress is organized by the “Abteilung Experimentelle Krebsforschung” (AEK) within the German Cancer Society. It is now a tradition that the International AEK Congress will be jointly subsidized by the “Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft” and the Deutsche Krebshilfe. This provides us with an excellent opportunity for assembling a scientific program with highly renowned international and national scientists presenting and discussing latest data and future perspectives of different hot topics in cancer research.
The topics of this forthcoming conference will include latest news from the human cancer genome and epigenome projects, modelling of oncogenic pathways, tumor heterogeneity particularly related to breast cancer, oncogenic tumor cell regulation, invasion and metastasis, and the steadily increasing appreciation of the tumor microenvironment with its tumor-stroma interaction, inflammasome, and exosome action. Malignant melanoma will be discussed as an example of novel treatment modalities. As key-note speakers and particularly devoted to these topics, we are happy to announce Mina Bissell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkley and Bob Weinberg, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge MA.
In addition, two central poster sessions as well as plenary sessions including selected short talks from abstract submissions will provide excellent platforms for all participants and young scientists in particular to present and discuss their results in a highly stimulating and scientifically top-class environment. As the AEK strongly encourages young scientists to attend this important meeting, travel bursaries for young researchers, selected from abstract submitters, are in the planning as are prizes for the best posters.
The congress will take place in Heidelberg, Germany's oldest university town and the town with a longstanding tradition for AEK Congresses. The venue place will be the spectacular EMBL Advanced Training Centre with its outstanding architecture inspired by DNA's double helix - a landmark and scientifically uniquely stimulating surrounding for this occasion.
Similarly important for the success of the Congress is your interest and
participation. I, therefore, would like to cordially invite you to our 17th
International AEK Congress and very much looking forward to welcome you at
this occasion in Heidelberg
With best regards
Prof. Dr. Petra Boukamp
Congress Chairman